Daniil Kechik

Research Engineer, PhD Student
Daniil Kechik

Daniil Kechik is a research engineer in VibroBox. He develops and tests digital signal processing algorithms and equipment kinematic scheme (“digital twin”) modules.

His specializations include:

  • Design and simulation of digital receiver-transmitter devices
  • Software and hardware for processing and analyzing radio frequency signals
  • Extraction of periodic components from vibration and acoustic signals
  • Variable speed refinement module for shafts

Daniil is also a PhD Student in the Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics at Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics majoring in “Radioengineering including systems and devices of radionavigation, radiolocation, and television.”

Scientific Papers and Publications

  1. Segmented Autoregression Pitch Estimation Method / D. Kechik, I.Davydov // International Conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines (DVM), September 2020, pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1109/DVM49764.2020.9243870
  2. A method for isolating informative components of a vibration signal using inter-component phase processing methods / D.Kechik // Radio engineering systems: materials of the 53rd scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, May 2017), Minsk: BSUIR, 2017, p. 40
  3. A method for isolating informative components of a vibration signal by means of inter-component phase processing / D. Kechik // Radio engineering and electronics: materials of the 54th scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students, Minsk, April 23-27, 2018, Minsk: BSUIR, 2018, pp. 57-58
  4. Predicting the time of failure of mechanical equipment by the statistical characteristics of vibration signals / D. Kechik // in Radio Engineering and Electronics: 55th Anniversary Scientific Conference of Postgraduates, Masters and Students, Minsk, April 22-26, 2019, Minsk: BSUIR, 2019, pp. 77–78
  5. Application of windowed autoregressive analysis to estimate the parameters of non-stationary signals / D. Kechik // VI Belarusian-Chinese youth innovation forum New Horizons - 2019, Minsk: BNTU, December. 2019, pp. 116-118
  6. Compensation for changes in the power of the vibroacoustic signal for variable speed of the equipment / D. Kechik // Reports of BSUIR, vol. 18, no. 5, Art. no. 5, Jul. 2020
  7. Analyzer of phase characteristics of oscillations of mechanisms and machines / D. A. Kechik, I. V. Loshchinin // Radio engineering systems: materials of the 52nd scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, May 2016), Minsk: BSUIR, 2016, p. 24
  8. Estimation of the instantaneous frequency of the spectral components of a non-stationary vibroacoustic signal using the window method prone / D. Kechik // SPb, Sept. 2020, p. 7
  9. Shaft Misalignment Data for Inter-component Phase Processing of Quasipolyharmonic Signals / D. Kechik, Y. Aslamov, I. Davydov // v. 1, Jul. 2020
  10. Vibration of rolling bearings under widely varying speed conditions / D. Kechik, Y. Aslamov, I. Davydov // Aug. 2020
  11. Bearing 6213 OR Dataset / D. Kechik, Y. Aslamov, I. Davydov // v. 1, Oct. 2020
  12. Diagnostics of industrial equipment with a variable shaft frequency / K. D. Zhukovsky, D. A. Kechik, I. G. Davydov // Minsk, 28-29 oct. 2020, pp. 204-205
  13. Estimation of the frequency of shock pulses of a vibration signal / D. A. Kechik, Y. P. Aslamov, I. G. Davydov, I. V. Loshchinin // Minsk, 28-29 October. 2020, pp. 229-233
  14. Integration of the industrial equipment diagnostics system with the Industry 4.0 trend ecosystems built on the basis of the FIWARE framework / D.A. Kechik, I.G. Davydov, Y.V. Gerasimuk, A.V. Tsurko, A.M. Smolev // Information radio systems and radio technologies, Minsk, 28-29 oct. 2020

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