Online conference materials for mining industry customers

Application of VibroBox platform for automatic diagnostics and Prescriptive Maintenance of production equipment in mining industry

Application of VibroBox platform for automatic diagnostics and Prescriptive Maintenance of production equipment in mining industry.

There are many units of critical and expensive equipment in the mining industry. The downtime of this equipment is very expensive and painful for business. For this reason, progressive companies are interested in improving reliability, extending equipment life and reducing operating costs.

VibroBox covers dozens of types of critical equipment used in the mining industry and improves customer business efficiency.

In spring 2019, we held a series of online conferences with a number of leading Russian mining companies. During the conferences, we:

  • presented VibroBox solution in detail;
  • explained the benefits of using the solution in production;
  • demonstrated “personal cabinet” with detailed diagnostics and maintenance reports from a real project;
  • answered audience’s questions.

You can find recorded conference proceedings (in Russian) at